Request Brochure for Palm Hills New Cairo

Palm Hills New Cairo cherishes ‘green’ the way nature was created. The natural landscape of homes does not interfere with the surrounding environment. Sprawling over 500 feddans, Palm Hills New Cairo was designed amongst that scenery and assorted views. Palm Hills Developments promises to provide the optimal balance across the different homes, recreational activities and commercial services tailored for a pleasant walk.

The community’s safety and wellbeing are of utmost important at Palm Hills New Cairo. Is the land where residents spend their most cherished time and share stories together. Palm Hills New Cairo features positive energy, beautiful courtyards which create open spaces and appealing designs. The heart of the development is the space, the mood and the rich ambience. Parks are the harmonious blend of action and composure occupying 82% of the project’s land.

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Master Plan for Palm Hills New Cairo
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