Request Brochure for Crete Islands Mountain View North Coast

The Crete Islands in Mountain View Ras El Hikma project is differentiated by its Greek style architecture where each phase is named after a Greek island. Every little corner in Mountain View Ras El Hikma is inspired by the truly majestic Greek architecture, and it turned out to be the perfect influence to give a summer place. It creates this wonderful atmosphere of a wholesome family retreat by being so elegant yet simple and modest. Its sense of tranquillity and vastness makes residents feel how cosy and welcoming it is.

Mountain View Ras El Hikma is a three-hour drive from Cairo and 200 km away from Alexandria. It is situated just 15 km from the Fouka Road exit. Mountain View Ras El Hekma is set to be the centre of Egypt’s North Coast Sahel located 50 km west of El Alamein Airport and 15 km east of Ras El Hikma.

Mountain View’s beach is nothing less than an impeccable creation of nature that is full of gorgeous vistas, wide blue skies, crystal clear waters, and endless activities. Mountain View is blessed with an immaculate sandy beach where you can forget about stress and give yourself the time and energy to feel every aspect of the good life you’ve earned.

Crete Islands are an exclusive neighbourhood within Mountain View Ras El Hikma which enjoys direct access to 2 km of swimmable lagoon. It offers tailor made Greek style homes catering to all; whether it’s a big family that loves big gatherings in long summer breaks or a young couple looking for calm swimmable waters with their like minded peers. Experience the true essence of the Greek summer & enjoy the spectacular Views & Crystal Lagoon serenity at Crete Islands.

Crete islands are smartly designed to give you a mesmerising scenery of the 45,000 sqm wide Crystal Lagoon along with enchanting landscape views. With a shoreline that reaches nearly 2.3 km in length, and the peaceful beauty of the Greek architecture everywhere, Crete Islands are your ticket for the best summer experience you'll ever have.

Crete Islands include a variety of property types to choose from. Chalet apartments in start from 92 sqm for a 2 bed unit and from 125 sqm for a 3 bed unit. Larger twin houses and standalone villas are also available for larger families in Crete Islands.

Request Floor Plans for Crete Islands Mountain View